The Carper Award

The Dr. N. Gordon Carper Lifetime Achievement Award is given to members of the quizbowl community who exhibit dedication to and long-term support of collegiate academic competitions. It is named after Gordon Carper, the long-time quizbowl coach at Berry College who hosted the first non-College Bowl collegiate academic competitions.


  • 1999: N. Gordon Carper
  • 2000: Carol Guthrie
  • 2001: Robert Meredith
  • 2002: not presented
  • 2003: Eric Hillemann
  • 2004: Don Windham and Gaius Stern
  • 2005: Charlie Steinhice
  • 2006: R. Robert Hentzel
  • 2007: Andrew Yaphe
  • 2008: Chris Sewell
  • 2009: Ezequiel Berdichevsky
  • 2010: Subash Maddipoti
  • 2011: Seth Teitler
  • 2012: Jeff Hoppes
  • 2013: Matt Weiner
  • 2014: Susan Ferrari
  • 2015: Jerry Vinokurov
  • 2016: Andrew Hart
  • 2017: Jonathan Magin
  • 2018: Mike Bentley
  • 2019: Rob Carson and Kelly McKenzie
  • 2020: Alex Damisch and Mike Sorice
  • 2021: Matt Bollinger and Jim Dendy